Sunday, April 25, 2021

Backroads of Missouri


One of my sisters used to live in rural Missouri and when I'd visit her, one of my favorite things to do was to drive around on the back roads.  You know the unpaved roads that lead to farms.  I've found amazing things traveling those roads.

A good example is this old school house that is surrounded by shrubs and trees.

On another turn in the road, I was greeted by these fellows with their very dramatic head gear.  I wasn't expecting to see long-horn cattle in this part of the country so they were a treat to see.

After spotting the cattle, I came across a little village called Rockbridge.  The bank is no longer a bank at all, I think it has become a gift shop.

Across the street from the "bank" was this place called the Grist Mill Club.  It turned out to be a restaurant and store.  The scene was so pretty, my sister and I decided we would stop for lunch.  

That would be where we were served the biggest, fat onion rings I'd ever seen.  As I recall, they were delicious.  

After a very nice lunch, we walked all around the old mill and spotted a couple of fishermen looking for a good spot to do some fishing.  

It was a perfect afternoon drive around the country roads.  It seems I can always find something interesting to photograph and someplace equally interesting to visit.


Andy said...

Well done. The backroads are always full of surprises.

William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots. I love onion rings.

Gemel said...

Those cows are majestic. Onion ring, good gracious they are huge.

Catalyst said...

Those scenes brought back memories of a trip back to visit friends who had moved from Indianapolis to a home on 12 acres in Southern Indiana. So green, so lush.