Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Shoes

When I travel I always keep my eye open to new sights and new experiences and I never pass up a shoe store without at least a peek in the window.  When I was in Italy last year, I passed this shoe store in the city of Parma and these whimsical shoes stopped me in my tracks.  I wasn't tempted to buy them but I couldn't resist a photo!

4 comments: said...

If someone must have a cigarette dangling from her lips, it is better for the lips to be on her shoes than in her head.

Judy said...

Oh my! Now I'm wondering what kind of outfit one would wear those with.

Lowell said...

Now this is something unique. So funny! Not inexpensive, either, at 135 Euros!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I wouldn't wear them but they are pretty amazing Sharon.