Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Distinctive Group

Almost everyone who travels to London puts a visit to Westminster Abbey on their must see list.  I can still remember my very first glimpse of this imposing church back in 1985.  On a visit there it would be hard to miss Parliament Square situated directly across from the Palace of Westminster (better known as Parliament) and right in front of the Abbey.

So, if you've been there you have no doubt seen the array of distinguished gentlemen  who have permanent residence in the square.

There is of course England's most famous Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill in his bulky overcoat and leaning on his cane.

Mahatma Gandhi is there and he's bearing up quite well to the slight chill in the air.

Nelson Mandela now has a place of honor on the square.  He appears to be in perpetual discussion with those that pass by.

You might be surprised to find Abraham Lincoln standing with this group in his famous Lincolnesque pose.

So, if you are visiting that famous Abbey, be sure you pause and say hello to these fine humanitarians.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

The Abbey is incroyably impressive Sharon, took my breath away first time I saw it! A very distinguished group of fellows!

Silver in AZ said...

never been there (yet?) thanks for sharing!

Judy Ryer said...

A very distinguished group indeed!

Lowell said...

It's doubtful that I'll ever get to visit this place, so thanks for the photos. I had no idea there were all these sculptures. Churchill was something of an enigma but his role in WWII was vital to the Allied effort!

Lois said...

I remember seeing these statues, especially being surprised to see the one of Abraham Lincoln.

William Kendall said...

A great set of leaders!

Catalyst said...

I was there in '85 too. (Didn't see you though, Sharon.) Had to have my picture taken in front of the Churchill because an amateur genealogist once said he was my 15th cousin. Course I found a site on the web that traced our family back to King Arthur.